Sarah Capua

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Supporting our students and ourselves in uncertain times

Some suggestions around showing up for our students and building our internal support system in moments of heightened emotion and uncertainty. You can head over to my IGTV to hear me speak on these, but I have outlined them here for your reflection.

Your students/people you are trying to support need:

  1. To be heard and witnessed - rather than trying to give advice or make it better, just listen. Allow this to be enough.

  2. Someone to be with them in the space of not knowing - you don’t have to try to make the unknown known. Just be with them where they are. And remember, positivity is not medicine, but your presence is.

  3. Tools for their own self regulation - meditation and breath awareness are deep and direct tools to help us check in with ourselves. Use them.

What we need for ourselves to be of support to others:

  1. Don’t do this alone! - set up regular support for yourself with teachers, sangha, and your self practice. We need to process and integrate, but it is best to do this with other support, rather than in front of our students.

  2. Clean your vessel - one of Desikachar’s definition of yoga is samskara, or cleaning our vessel. We are all accumulating a lot, especially in moments of heightened states, so be mindful of what you are taking in and don’t wait until you are overwhelmed to give yourself some release (hint: the body and breath is where everything is happening, so move your body and feel your breath).

  3. Notice induced feelings/transference - When we are in a state of connection with someone, we take on their emotions without consciously realizing it. For me, I find these three questions helpful to ask myself:

    1. Where is this feeling coming from?

    2. Does it remind me of something?

    3. What am I feeling in my body?

I would love to hear how these land with you. Feel free to comment below with how you find yourself using these in your life right now, and ask any questions!