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Mourning Grief & Loss In Yoga Therapy: Community Day & Professional Development (CE) with Optimal State

It is inevitable that as a yoga therapist we will have clients experiencing grief and loss. This can be a delicate time and requires a sensitive approach. Do you feel confident in knowing how to be with someone who has just experienced loss? Do you know how to give empathy and hold space without solving a problem or placing your belief and values on the client? Are you comfortable with death and dying and acceptance? This workshop will provide an overview of how to work as a yoga therapist in the area of grief counseling. Sarah Capua, a hospice Chaplain and yoga therapist, will walk us through what is helpful and unhelpful with respect to helping our students through their grief process. In this workshop we’ll focus on a case study, biomedical information, assessment and therapeutic plan for someone experiencing grief.

Grief is the natural response to the loss of someone or something I’ve been attached to. Major losses include a death in my life, divorce from a spouse, job loss, foreclosure of a house and failure in business. It’s normal for people all over the world to experience grief when something important in their lives has ended. In this workshop we’ll cover what grief is and answer questions such as what it feels like during the grieving process. We will also educate yoga teachers and yoga therapists on how they can offer helpful support appropriate for therapeutic work.

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